EHR Management

EHR systems are designed to store data accurately and to capture the state of a patient across time.

What are the benefits of having an EHR system?

  • Eliminates the need to track down a patient's previous paper medical records

  • Assists in ensuring data is accurate and legible

  • It can reduce risk of data replication as there is only one modifiable file, which means the file is more likely up to date and decreases risk of lost paperwork

  • EMRs are more effective when extracting medical data for the examination of possible trends and long term changes in a patient. Population-based studies of medical records may also be facilitated by the widespread adoption of EHRs and EMRs

At CIMSS, we will help you establish an EHR system that works best for you and your employees. Records are shared through network-connected, enterprise-wide information systems or other information networks and exchanges, which makes it easy for everyone in and out of your network to view patient records. Once you establish relationships with other doctors, it will become vital to have a reliable EHR system. Forget the hassle of working with a vendor and being a priority among their thousands of customers. CIMSS is here for you to contact at any time regarding your EHR system.